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Google Cloud Computing(Concepts & Services)

dev_jiwon 2022. 6. 24.



AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud | Top Cloud Providers 2022

AWS, Azure, and Google are leaders in public cloud computing. Compare their pros and cons, top features, & pricing information now.



Question and Answer


Q1. GCP allow attaching a disk in one region to a computer in a different region.

A. 거짓


Q2. In GCP, HTTP/HTTPS load balancing enables you to distribute traffic across regions so you can ensure that requests are routed to the closest region

A. 참


Q3. GCP 서비스를 활용하는 방법이 아닌 것은?

1. Google Cloud Platform Console

2. CLoud shell

3. CGI

4. Command-line interface

A. 3 - CGI


Q4. GCP의 App Engine에 관한 설명 중 잘못 된 것은?

1. Google App Engine is GCP's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

2. With App Engine, Google handles most of the management of the resources

3. When using App, Engine, Google automatically scales the system to provide those resources if the application requires more computing resources bacause traffic to the corresponding website increases

A. 1 - Google App Engine is GCP's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)


Q5. GCP consists of a set of physical assets, such as computers and hard disk drives, and virtual resources, such as virtual machines (VMs).

A.  참


Q6. GCP provides NoSQL data storage such as Cloud Datastore and Cloud Bigtable

A. 참


Q7. GCP의 Project에 관한 설명 중 잘못된 것은?

1. A project is made up of the settings, permissions, and other metadata that describe the applications.

2. Each GCP project has a project name, a project ID and a project number.

3. GCP resources may belong to more than one project.

4. The resources that each project contains remain separate across project boundaries.

A. 3 - GCP resources may belong to more than one project.


Q8. GCP pricing에 관한 설명 중 잘못된 것은?

1. no up-front costs

2. termination frees if there was a fixed-term contract

3. pay as you go

A. 2 - termination frees if there was a fixed-term contract


Q9. GCP의 glocal, regional, zonal resource에 관한 설명 중 잘못된 것은?

1. Static external IP addresses are regional resources.

2. Preconfigured disk images global resources.

3. VM instances and networks are zonal resources.

A. 3 - VM instances and networks are zonal resources.


Q10. Compute Engine provieds a Platform as a Service (PaaS), because the system provied robust computing infastructure, but the customer must choose and cofigure the platform components that he/she wants to use

A. 거짓
