대학교 공부 & 과제 2016~2022/시스템관리

System Administration & about the Sysadmin

dev_jiwon 2022. 6. 24.



Developers are Dead

Last night Capgemini hosted a meet up in the London office where I was lucky enough to be one of the guest speakers. In the Q&A afterwards, a very interesting topic came up about the role of governance and security in DevOps and how the boundaries between



question and answer


Q1. 시스템 관리자는 자신의 업무에 관련해서 문서화를 잘 해야 한다.

A. 참


Q2. 시스템 관리자는 대부분 이메일과 문자를 통해서 사용자와 소통하기 때문에 발표와 같은 면대면 소통 능력이 꼭 있을 필요는 없다.

A. 거짓


Q3. 시스템 관리자는 새로운 것을 배울 수 있는 능력과 욕구가 있어야 한다.

A. 참


Q4. 시스템 관리자는 대부분 혼자 일하기 때문에 자기주도적 문제 해결 능력은 필요하지만 시간 관리를 잘할 필요는 없다.

A. 거짓


Q5. 시스템 관리자의 특성이 아닌 것은?

1. 시스템 관리자는 참을성이 많아야 한다.

2. 시스템 관리자는 대부분 혼자 일한다.

3. 시스템 관리자는 어려운 기술적인 문제를 해결할 수 있어야 한다.

4. 시스템 관리자는 고객 관리를 한다.

A. 2 - 시스템 관리자는 대부분 혼자 일한다.


Q6. 시스템 관리자의 업무가 아닌 것은?

1. 어떤 patch를 설치할지 경정한다

2. 서버실을 계획하고 운영한다

3. 운영체제 및 application software를 설치하고 관리한다

4. 이메일과 같은 통신 program을 개발한다.

A. 4 - 이메일과 같은 통신 program을 개발한다.


Q7. 작은 회사에서 시스템 관리자는 전화나 팩스 설치 및 수리르 포함된 IT 관련된 모든 일을 처리해야 한다.

A. 참


Q8. 시스템 관리자는 분석적 사고를 가지고 있어야 한다.

A. 참


Q9. 시스템 관리자는 IT 관련 정책을 만들 필요는 없지만 지킬 수 있어야 한다.

A. 거짓



4가지 주제

1. Explore the world of the sysadmin - 시스템 관리자의 세상 탐구

2. List the duties of the sysadmin - 시스템 관리자들의 의무⭐

3. List the skill set required of the sysadmin - 시스템 관리자로서 어떤 기술이 필요한지

4. List a few personality traits of a typical sysadmin - 보편적인 시스템 관리자들의 성격적인 특성


Who is a sysadmin?

- In a "small company" the sysadmin may be the entire infomation technology staff

  • The Sysadmin may do everything from telephone, to fax, to computer management.
  • Sysadmin may have to order supplies, deal with users, develop software, repair hardware

Who is a sysadmin?(cont'd)

- In a large company the sysadmin may be one memver of a large group.

  • May be responsible for one aspect of the data center operation.
    • Programmers
    • Database Adminstrators
    • Network Administrators
    • Operators (보안 오퍼레이터 etc.)


Common sysadmin Traits

- customer service agent

- must be able to communicate with technical and non-technical users

- should be patient, and have a sense of humor

- must be able to solve difficult technical problems

- must be able to work in a group setting

- must document activites in order to reproduce the results


Sysadmin tasks

- Plan and manage the machine room environment

  • design machine room
  • specify coding, cabling, power connections, and environmental controls (fire alarm, security)

- Install and maintain operation system software, application software, and patches.

- Determine hardware and software pre-requisites, which patches to install, which services to provide, and which services to disable


Sysadmin tasks (cont'd)

- Schedule downtime to perform upgrades/patches, and test devices

  • schedule downtime to manage devices

- Install and maintain user accounts

  • develop acceptable use policy and login-name policy
  • determin password change polices
  • install/configure/manage name services
  • manage licenses

- Determine disk quota

  • police/manage disk space
  • monitor log files

- Train users on software and security

- Ensure that users have access to documentation

- Help users and provide help-desk support and problem tracking system to answer user questions

- Configure network services:

  • printing, file sharing, name service
  • determine file sharing needs and printing polices
  • manage security for shared resources

- Install/maintain system devices, hardware/driver; specify supported devices; determin; determine spares practices.

- Install/configure/manage web servers, configure web access agents

- Configure and maintain business applications

  • web agents
  • e-mail
  • calendar software
  • order/problem tracking software

- Install/configure/manage e-mail software

  • mail transfer agents
  • mail readers

- Configure and manage system security

  • security for business applications,
  • read security mailing lists and CERT notifications,
  • install/configure "firewall" software to limit intruder access,
  • collect evidence in case of successful instrusion and clean up after intrusion

- Configure and maintain connectivity between hosts

  • monitor connectivity
  • troubleshoot connectivity problems
  • investigate complaints of poor response (ex. 속도가 너무 느려요)

- Configure and maintian system backups,

  • determin backup strategy and policies, and
  • configure backup software
  • perform backups
  • monitor backup logs
  • check backup integrity
  • determin disaster survival palns
  • perform restores

- Troubleshoot and repair system problems; and determine, locate, and repair/replace problem components

- Document the system, and develop and maintain documentation on local setup and local polices


Required sysadmin skills

- Delegation(위임) and Time Management

- Ethics

- Ability to create/follow Policies and Procedures

- Desire to learn

- Customer Service Attitude

- Knowledge of technical aspects

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Problem Solving



- Sysadmins are often viewed as "a jack of all trades" (다양한 것을 할 수 있는 능력을 가진 사람을 의미)

  • customer service oriented
  • need to be able to communicate clearly
  • need to be able to solve problems
  • need to be analytical thinkers


